CES 2015: Coolest New Car Gadgets Revealed

ces-2015As expected, there were some awesome gadgets revealed at CES 2015 in Las Vegas, and some of the best gadgets are coming to our cars. Not only are there a ton of new gadgets, but smarter cars are on the horizon. Here’s just a small look at some of the coolest car gadgets previewed at the CES 2015:

Harman ISZ

If you never want to have to listen to the latest Justin Bieber song on a road trip again, Harman’s Individual Sound Zones (ISZ) is for you. This gadget goes a long way to change the entertainment situation in a car from a dictatorship, where the driver chooses the radio station, to a democracy, where everyone gets a say. Harman’s ISZ creates different sound zones in your car that can each play something completely different without the need for headphones. Continue reading…

Best Budgeting Apps for 2015

Budgeting can be tough!

Budgeting can be tough!

The present is always the best time to start budgeting. People love to make excuses for why to procrastinate, convincing themselves that tomorrow or the new year makes more sense. What really makes sense is just to get your spending habits in order. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or even boring. This is no longer a world built on your grandfather’s rules for balancing a checkbook. For modern money-saving results in a modern world, turn to technology.

Apps are the way of the world now. If you can think of a useful idea, chances are it’s already been developed as an app. So when it comes to managing your money, instead of grabbing your wallet and counting your bills, take out your phone and look at the complete picture.

“How can you spend if you don’t save?”

Here are a few apps you should consider when budgeting your money better:

Level Money
This app is made for both iPhone and Android and is free. After all, if you are looking for an app to manage money, it should probably be free, right? Continue reading…

The 3 Most Extreme Winter Motorsports

What are the most extreme winter motorsports on the planet? And why do people participate? Some want to win a race, some want the fame and glory, but most everyone loves the rush they get from these extreme sports. Each of the three sports below might be fun to watch from a distance, but terrifying to participate in. Read on to find out what these crazy sports are and what makes them so dangerous.

The Iron Dog Race

The Iron Dog race is the world’s longest, toughest snowmobile race. The race lasts five days and covers 2,000 miles across Alaska, starting in Big Lake with a halfway stop in Nome and finishing in Fairbainks. That’s 400 miles a day! Due to the treacherous conditions, riders must take breaks of at least 6 hours and a minimum of 36 hours over the course of the five days. Some of the best riders do 12 hours of non-stop riding with very little food and water, letting others break the trail, which uses up the most fuel and makes for slower riding. Continue reading…

Gas is Cheap – You Can Afford a Car

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma.

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

As you have undoubtedly noticed, gas prices are low. Like, really low – the lowest they have been in a long time – under $2 in many parts of the country! And if you haven’t noticed this wonderful holiday gift to the economy, then maybe you don’t have a car and just ignored the whole thing altogether. If this is the case, then maybe it is time you rethink your decision about owning a car. With gas this cheap in an economy that continues to get better every day, this increases the affordability of a car if you’ve been looking to budget for one. Continue reading…

Make 2015 Your Year

What would you write?

What would you write?

It’s the start of a new year, and how refreshing that feels. And it can stay refreshing. You don’t have to sink back into feeling like you are walking through a humdrum existence, wishing you could go back and tell your younger self what to do and not to do. This is your chance to move forward! Stand up, take charge and tell the world to move aside because you are going to take it by the reins and make it yours. And why not? What else is more pressing this year than making it your year?!

We aren’t talking about resolutions or making a list of promises to keep. Yes, those things are important and help you set and accomplish goals for yourself. But making this year yours is about attitude. It’s about being the person you want to be and not thinking twice about smiling when you want to! Continue reading…