Car Maintenance For Winter

Top 3 Tips To Get Your Car Ready For The Cold

As the seasons change and temperatures and leaves fall, there are many things you might be preparing yourself for. These items may include insulating your windows, making sure your vents are clean or starting to pull out all your winter clothes, when you just got used to your bathing suit. And while winter is still a few months away, it is smarter to do this prep work during the fall, so you can be ready for when you really need it.

One item that you might not consider is your vehicle. Like anything, cars need maintenance in the winter, even if you are driving yours less frequently. They behave differently in the cold and many people don’t make the appropriate modifications to care for their cars during these colder months. Continue reading…

Understanding Your Credit Report

What You Need To Understand About Your Credit Report

A credit report is not some mystery document that is completely off limits to most people, though many people feel that way. The truth is everyone has a credit report and understanding it is not a difficult concept to grasp, you just have to know what you are looking at.

If you are concerned about your credit report, or even if you have never shown the slightest interest in your score, then consider the following information: Understanding your credit score is important, not only to know where you stand financially, but also to be aware of how credit works and what you can do to improve your score, not to mention maintain it. Continue reading…

Which Oil is Better For Your Car

What’s The Best Oil For Your Car?

There are many different types of oil you can put into your car, and if you are like many consumers then you might just reach for whatever is cheapest. While this may be the best option for your wallet, it is not always the best route for your car. While choosing the cheapest oil from the shelf might seem like the most cost-effective thing to do, you have to take into consideration what you are missing out on.

Before we get into the various types of oil, it is important to know what purpose oil plays in your car. Motor oil is used as a greasy barrier between the parts of your engine, helping your vehicle run cleanly and more smoothly. According to Fox & Fox, motor oil cuts down the friction in your engine. When your engine doesn’t have enough oil, then friction occurs, which in turn slows everything down and increases the amount of heat produced. If you don’t replace your motor oil often enough or are using the wrong kind, you might be allowing too much friction to interfere with your car’s performance. And trust us, additional maintenance costs will be more expensive than keeping up with your oil.

What is viscosity?
Motor oil is often measured by its viscosity grade, but since this is not a term that you probably toss around regularly, it is likely that you don’t know exactly what it means. According to Popular Mechanics, viscosity is a fluid’s resistance to flow. This is crucial because you want the liquid to be able to flow through the engine easily, but you don’t want it to get so hot that it just drips away. This is when knowing your viscosity grades will be beneficial.

“Viscosity is a fluid’s resistance to flow.”

Each motor oil has numbers on the label, which stand for viscosity flows. There are also letters, such as W, which stands for “winter.” So for example, a 10W-40 oil has less viscosity in cold and hot than 20W-50. Essentially, the oil will thin when hot and thicken when cold, so you want the second number to be higher, because this means it is less resistant to thinning.

Finding a good balance of thin/thick oil is what you want to do, because if your oil is too thick then your engine is going to work too hard, and if your oil is too thin then the engine is going to burn it up and this will cause more friction in the engine.

Conventional or synthetic oil?
The viscosity rates are not the only difference when it comes to motor oil. According to Mobil, synthetic oils are better for your vehicle because they have many impurities removed. Further, these oils can be tailored to respond better with certain engines. Mobile noted that synthetic oils work better for your engine and can protect it more efficiently for a longer period of time.

So how do you know?
Since the range of oils is so wide, it is worth taking a look inside your vehicle’s owner manual for some guidance as to which oil is your best bet. Either that, or do some hunting online by searching your particular make and model.

Keeping your car running with the correct oil will help your engine last longer and your vehicle operate better overall. Don’t only look at prices the next time you are in the auto shop, but select an oil that is ideal for your ride. Think of motor oil as your car’s thirst quencher. You want it clean and performing well, so don’t give it scummy, dirty water.

Behaviors of People With Good Credit

The 5 Valuable Behaviors of People With Good Credit

Good credit is not something you can be born into. It is also not given to you as a graduation gift.  Credit is based solely on a person’s personal financial history, which is an accurate representation of his or her spending behaviors.

Having good credit does not happen by accident. People are consistent in their habits to obtain and maintain good credit. Likewise, credit scores can change and depending on your financial behaviors, you can either increase or decrease your credit score.

If you are looking for some guidance on boosting your credit score, then take a look at what the people who have stellar credit scores are doing on a regular basis: Continue reading…

Top 3 Credit Cards If You Have Bad Credit

The 3 Best Credit Cards If You Have Bad Credit

It can be difficult to get a new credit card if you have bad credit. Likewise, it can be hard to improve your credit score if you are not using the credit you have responsibly. This doesn’t mean you are out of options. If you have poor credit and would like to fix it, then perhaps you should check out one of the three credit card options in this piece.

Secured credit cards are a great option
There are credit cards known as secured cards that are easier to apply for and enable you to improve your credit score. Most credit cards are unsecured, which means they are not backed by collateral of any kind. This means the lender is trusting you to use the credit for whatever you want, but expecting that you pay it back. Continue reading…