Should You Be Using Your Credit Card For That?
Having a credit card can be a powerful tool, sometimes too powerful.
It can allow you to purchase what you need, today, while putting off the worry of actually paying for it until another day. They can be very helpful, but they can, as many Americans have found, get someone into a lot of financial trouble.
The average U.S. household has $15,355 of credit card debt, according to NerdWallet. This could in large part be a cause of the rapid increase in the cost of living. Meanwhile, the average household income has mildly increased, though not enough to keep up with the price of everyday and household expenses.
The uneven increases in cost of living and income has led to an increase in debt level for many people.
But with a well-thought-out credit card strategy, Americans can reduce their credit card debt. It all comes down to knowing when to use a credit card, and when to leave it behind. Continue reading…