Free Things To Do On Labor Day Weekend

Free Things To Do This Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day is this Monday, September 7, which means the majority of the country will be taking time away from the office or the classroom for a potential 3-day weekend. Yet, it is important to remember that Labor Day is more than just a day off. Labor Day is an honorary celebration of the American Labor Movement meant to commemorate all of the contributions that workers have made to this great country over the years.

The holiday weekend is typically filled with end-of-summer events, such as the final days of a public pool being open, community-wide cookouts or one last summer vacation. There are also fireworks and parades in some areas of the country too. Whatever you and your family decide to do, Labor Day weekend is a great three-day weekend everyone can enjoy.

Also, this doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot of money. Many Labor Day events are free, and even those you plan on your own can be done with very little cost to you as well. Consider some of the following free events to participate in on Labor Day weekend.

Many families take the long weekend to go camping. Camping is a great way to break your every day routine and get outdoors. Additionally, September is a wonderful time to be outside because it is still warm enough to enjoy the weather, but cool enough in the evenings and mornings so that humidity and insects won’t get the best of you while you are trying to sleep in your tent.

“September is a wonderful time to be outdoors.”

While some national parks may have fees for campers, the fees are usually pretty cheap. Also, if you have a friend or relative with a nice, big backyard, then consider taking advantage of it for the weekend. Camping isn’t always about being secluded out in the wilderness, but just about enjoying the fresh air and putting your feet up next to a fire. Get your tent ready and enjoy that open air.

Depending on where you live in the country, you may have to pack everyone in the car and take a short drive to your nearest hiking territory, but it is definitely worth it. Hiking is a not just a great way to get your heart rate going, but also free yourself from the noise and commotion of streets, billboards and other common daily distractions.

A nice thing about hiking is that you can go at your own pace, whether you feel like being active, or perhaps you have a more leisurely pace in mind. Either take the whole family or just take it easy and get a good hike in at any pace you feel by yourself.

Community Events
Neighborhood associations, park districts and counties all have fairs, pool parties, cookout, fireworks or some other form of community get-together to honor the holiday. These events are usually free and kid-friendly, which is great bonus for parents. These types of events also instill impressions on young children, demonstrating the importance of the holiday as opposed to just another day off. Just one of the many reasons these types of events can be beneficial.

Fire Up The Grill
For some people, the idea of going anywhere over a long holiday just feels like more work. If you are looking to just relax on this Labor Day weekend, then look no further than grilling at home instead. Get your board games out or pick out a movie that the entire family can sit and watch together. There is nothing wrong with just being lazy on Labor Day weekend, and if you have been working hard lately and need a break, then maybe some rest is just what you need.

Whatever you decide to do this Labor Day weekend, keep in mind that this is the unofficial end of summer, so now is the time to soak it all up. Treat yourself to a bit of relaxation with your family that doesn’t cost you much money. But whatever you decide to do, don’t let catching up on work be part of it. Use the time to appreciate being with your family and doing something you don’t normally do.

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